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If u pay off debts soon will be pay large debt

๐Ÿ“ If you pay off small debts methodically, you will probably be able to pay off big debts sooner. Some experts say that if you have a lot of debt to repay, pay off the loan amount first. By doing this, I will have more confidence in my mind and be able to pay off large loans. Pay off the loan with the highest interest rate first.

๐Ÿ“ Don't co-sign on a loan application, either as a guarantor or as a guarantor. If the borrower is a friend, family member, or acquaintance, the lender will come to you to ask for the loan. That will destroy the friendship.

๐Ÿ“Regardless of whether you took a loan with a mortgage contract or paid a long-term loan for a house to live in, the average of your family income should be below 28%. Roughly calculating what type of home you can afford. Learn about numbers in detail first. Ask how others are doing.

๐Ÿ“ If you have to pay more than 10-15% of your monthly salary to buy a car with a loan, you should not buy expensive cars.

๐Ÿ“ The most important note to avoid debt is to stop spending. Make sure you save more so that you can always earn what you need. Do it with the 50/30/20 plan. Spend 50% of your monthly income on really necessary housing, food, family expenses, travel expenses, and loan repayments. Set aside 30% for desired entertainment trips. The remaining 20% โ€‹โ€‹is to save money for health education goals that I want to reach someday.
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