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Set a time frame with money

🎈 Set a currency and time period.
This is the starting point for every goal I set in life. Let's keep a few things in mind for personal finance.

🎈Rethink the money spent.
If you've been spending too much all the time, this pattern will ruin you. Don't believe what we said? Spending less money can change people's lives. And when a woman wants money, she should understand that it's not as bad as she thinks. Is it really true?

🎈 Take time to review your daily spending.
Take a minute every day to check your daily spending. In these 60 seconds, you can immediately know what the problem is, you can track your goals, and you can set your expenses for the whole day.

🎈 Set aside at least 20% of your income for important use.
If you divide it first, you have to save money for emergency use, money to pay off debts, and money to use when you finally retire from work. Do you see that the percentage will be high? It is because of these factors that I am asked to collect this percentage.

🎈 Set aside 30 percent of your income to spend on living.
Including watching movies, going to restaurants, and spending time for fun. By adding the 30% rule, you need to be disciplined at the same time as you can save.
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